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Updated: Oct 6, 2024

Sunday 15 September - Skipster Hagg Training Day

Our final training session of the 2024 season did not disappoint, apart from the weather, that was a bit wet.

As always thanks go to Anne Procope for the use of the ground at Skipster Hagg, the club appreciates Anne's continued support even when we caused a lot of disturbance in April due to the extreme weather.

We also thank Eden Parish, Rebecca Thistle, Charlotte Brown and Anthea Shelley for giving up a precious Sunday to come and share their knowledge and experience with the members.

The dummy throwers who are an essential part to running any event Alan Bowden, Belinda Barthram, Kevin Wood and Cath Phillips - Thank you

Last but not least many thanks to our sponsors Roger Skinner, Sporting Saint and finally Jane Burniston for the cakes.

Whilst this was the 5th training day of this type the club has run, the format for the day deviated from the norm. The trainers proposed a different way to run the day, instead of training followed by a mock test, they set up 4 Safari Test scenario's and split the handlers into groups. The groups went around the tests with trainers running through what would be expected and how to approach each scenario. Each handler then did the test, after each person the trainer went through what went well and what could be improved on. The groups had discussions about each point raised and a LOT of questions were asked.

The overall feedback on the day was positive with people feeling better prepared to enter Working Tests. Those already competing understood what the judges were looking for and gained clarity on why they sometimes they lost points when they thought they had gone well.

Throughout the day handlers were awarded points and as a round up to the day, awards were given to everyone present. This included a plaque and Spillers voucher to the winner, rosettes and Sporting Saint gift bags to all present.

Young Handler:

1st EdwardGildroy (he would have got a 1st whichever group, this young man is exceptional with his dog)

Group 1

1st Sophie Watts

2nd Carolyn Bostock

3rd Chris McCully

4th Evelyn Nicholson

Group 2

1st Carley Lambert

2nd Gill Phillips

3rd Lucy Sharples

4th Alan Schofield

Group 3

1st Tracy Dodds

2nd Wendy Donovan

3rd Jane Burniston

= Jane Pilling

COM's Dan Lambert, Elaine O'Brien, Kathryn Broomfield, KIra Leith-Ross

On a personal note, I would like to thank Kira, who has helped me co-ordinate the training all year, without her help the club would not have been able to provide so many training opportunities. Next years programme is already in the planning stages and we hope that members will enjoy the events in 2025.

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