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Sunday 2 June 2024 Open & Novice Working Tests at Warter Priory


What a glorious day we had on fantastic ground and the sun shone.

Thanks go to the Healey Family for allowing us to use the Estate, many thanks also to Frank Croft, Head Keeper, Amy Willcock, Shoot Administrator and Keith Eastwood, Head Picker Up, for facilitating the use of the ground and identifying the areas for the tests.

We thank our Judges who gave up their day to enable the competitors to participate in our sport, Paula Cullis, Keith Eastwood, Rebecca Thistle and Amy Willcock. The tests set on this exceptional ground, with lots of distractions in the form of live game, were based on shoot day scenario’s, which tested the dogs and gave handlers a lot to think about.

The helpers/dummy throwers/placers, once again, our members came out in force, thanks go to: Tony, Stuart, Simon, Twigg, Lucy, Sam, Barbara, Sandra, Bill and Nick.

Hannah as always did an exceptional job, completing the pre test admin and making sure all officials were well looked after on the day.

Our sponsors, Skinners for providing vouchers for 1st – 3rd and Sporting Saint for gift bags for 1st to 4th, thank you for your continued support.

The Results:


1st Russell Hodgen with Lecaz Octavia winning The Open Silver Cup and Keepsake Trophy

2nd Shiela Tait with Liverycroft Billie Jo

After a run off for 3rd& 4th place

3rd Graham Slater with Yatts at Foxholes of Oakshot

4th Annette Clarke with Riverview Farm Stanton of Garren Point


1st David Walton with Rawcroft Ravishing winning the Three Ridings Working Test Cup and Keepsake Trophy

After a run off for 2nd and 3rd

2nd Russell Hodgen with Wauniago Gem

3rd Paul Hasney with Rookhollow Cherry Pie of Tattney

4th Wendy Donovan with Christoberry Molly

COM’s Mark Wilson with Tomilligun Willow and Robert Stockdale with Emmanygan Lime

Congratulations to all in the awards.

Lastly Thank You to the competitors for supporting the club and each other.

The sun helps, but the competitors as always created a great atmosphere and made it an exceptional day.

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