16th March 2024
1. Metcalfe’s Baileydale Rocket Man
Well grown yellow with undoubted quality, lovely head and expression with correct eye shape and colour, has a good length of muzzle. Clean reach of neck and good front angulation, well ribbed, strong bone and neat feet, level topline and tail set, good length of leg. Coat just starting to cast. Moves with drive and purpose, one to watch for the future. BEST PUPPY
2. Charlton’s Foxrush Hot Gossip
More mature yellow than 1, well balanced with a masculine head and good eye colour. Good reach of neck and layback of shoulder. Deep body and strong hind quarters, with good width of second thigh. Great bone and feet, unlucky to meet 1 on top form, was not as positive in movement as 1.
3. Edward’s Kimbajak Royal Mint
1. Rawlinson’s Shanorrall Seamus Coleman at Halshimoor
Compact black with lovely head and kind expression, good overall conformation, very clean in outline, short coupled body, level topline and tail set. Moved freely. He is just right for his age and will mature on nicely.
2. Cook’s Exelby Norman
Another lovely black puppy, very similar remarks to 1, and everything just right for his age. Classic in outline, more scope than 1 and carrying a heavier coat, moved very well and held outline in profile. Close decision between 1 and 2.
3. Percival’s Teazledown Mistery by Wynfaul
1. Johnson’s Cremino Celebrity
Well presented balanced black, who possesses a super outline. Excels in reach of neck and shoulder placement and return of upper arm. Beautifully put together without and any exaggeration, loved his masculine head with expressive kind eyes, coat in lovely condition, exudes great breed type. Moved with reach and drive. RES CC
2. Hopkinson’s Rocheby Squadron Leader
Completely different type to 1. Balanced yellow, lovely substance and depth of body, clean outline, masculine head with lovely soft expression, good reach of neck, well laid shoulders, good turn of stifle and width of hind quarters, moved well.
3. Burrough’s Annakay Father Brown
1. MacMillan’s Ebeshb Vision Shared
Clean outlined chocolate who is very raw at the moment and needs time to develop into his frame. Good masculine head and expression, movement sound and true.
1. Metcalfe’s Baileydale Rocket Man
2. Edward’s Kimbajak Royal Mint
3. MacMillan’s Ebeshb Vision Shared
1. Metcalfe’s Baileydale Rocket Man
2. Charlton’s Foxrush Hot Gossip
3. Edward’s Kimbajak Royal Mint
1. Young’s Potterspiney Potterzuri Aramis JW
Black masculine head with pleasing expression and good eye, good reach of neck, good topline and tail set, well ribbed deep body, good harsh coat. Moved well.
2. MacMillan’s Ebeshb Call to Arms
Chocolate dog out of a larger mould than 1, decent length of leg and reach of neck, moved out freely. Just needs time to mature in body and hind quarters.
1. Harris’s Winsleywood Wellington JW
Clean outlined yellow, looked extremely well in profile, really scores over the neck and topline, good depth of brisket, well ribbed, long sloping shoulders and good turn of stifle, with strong quarters. I particularly liked his masculine head and eye giving a kind expression, covered the ground with ease when moving.
2. Bramble’s Shaymiloney Seraphim
Quality chocolate very similar to 1 but out of a larger mould, very clean cut and well made, good bone, lots of scope. Lovely front angulation, moved freely covering the ground with good length of stride. Gave his handler a hard time today.
3. Williamson’s Sharoun’s Inspector Gadget JW
1. Hopkinson’s Rocheby Havana
This class was headed by this quality yellow, well balanced masculine head with a decent length of muzzle. Super reach of neck with long sloping shoulders, good topline and tail set which he kept on the move. Good turn of stifle and width of hind quarters, carrying just the right amount of weight, moved with purpose and drive.
2. Morley’s Carpenny Paddy at Rockledge
Eye catching black out of a larger mould than 1, excellent front assembly, strong topline and tail set, good length of leg and in good coat, moved very well and help outline in profile. One I have liked before but today I felt was carrying a little too much weight.
3. Boulden’s Rumhill Firecracker JW
LIMIT (10)
1. Rawlinson’s & Balshaw’s Shanorrell Black Sabbeth at Halshimoor
Clean outline black presenting a balanced picture, masculine head with kind expression, excellent reach of neck flowing into correct shoulder placement, deep through the brisket well ribbed body with good muscle tone. Moved true coming and going, unfortunately not in his best jacket today.
2. Ennis-Holden’s Devonshire’s Yellowstone at Mariank (imp USA)
Completely different type to 1 yellow out of a larger mould than 1, lovely substance and depth of body, clean outline, masculine head and expression, good front construction, strong topline and tail set, good rear angulation, decent length of leg, moved well but carrying a bit too much weight for me today.
3. Lawton’s Meadowline Monsoon
OPEN (13)
This was my best class of the day and my placings were very close.
1. Johnson’s Sh. Ch. Cremino Calabrese
I have admired this dog from the ringside on many occasions. Unexaggerated yellow, not a flashy dog, just a sound honest Labrador with good overall construction. Masculine head with kind expression, excellent front assembly deep through the brisket with well sprung ribs. Short coupled and firm over the loin with good quarters. Movement sound and true maintaining his good outline when moving in profile. CC
2. Bell’s Sh. Westerulston John
Darker yellow and similar comments apply as 1, lovely balanced head and melting expression with kind eye, excellent reach of neck flowing into correct shoulder placement, level topline and tail set, well made quarters with good angulation and width of second thigh, moved true and with purpose, considered him for top honours, this dog I liked a lot but today was carrying a little too much weight.
3. Climpson’s Sh.Ch. Othamcourt Heathcliff
1. Haslam’s Manorwell Buckskin at Lynquest JW
Yellow I have judged before with good overall conformation, lovely head with kind eye and expression, excellent reach of neck, good front assembly, very biddable and steady, moved with purpose and drive.
2. Douglas’s Centenalee Whisky Sour at Kyorli
Yellow similar type of dog to 1, lovely kind masculine head and expression, well made quarters with good angulation, movement sound and true.
3. MacMillan’s Ebeshb Vision Shared
1. Young’s Potterspinney Killian
9 yr old black of pleasing type and balance, well moulded head with masculine expression, deep through the brisket, well ribbed body, moved with purpose. Would benefit from carrying a little less weight.
2. McCory’s Sh. Ch. Millroseglen Make My Day with Meadowvillabs
10 yr old yellow who is good in outline, kind head and expression, overall good muscle tone for age, covered the ground well when moving.