Friday 6 December 2024
Our third Field Trial of the season saw us return to the fantastic, albeit challenging moorland at Farndale by kind permission of Farndale Estate Sporting and Bernard Moss, facilitated by Paul Wright.
This year the weather was kind to us, last year we were all like drowned rats by the end of the day due to the torrential rain. This year we had bright dry weather, which meant we could see the fantastic views over the North Yorkshire Moors, which is why Yorkshire is Gods Own Country.
The Judges
Our thanks go to the judges Godfrey Lowe, Paul Hasney, Paul Stogden, Ronnie Laughton and to the numerous helpers who came to carry game and steward.
The team of guns provided by Paul Wright shot well and the assistance of the Spaniel Team working in front of the dogs was much appreciated.
As always thanks to our sponsor Roger Skinner.
The Results
Unfortunately, there was no result, the ground proving too challenging for a number of dogs.
Guns Choice - The Phillip Scotton Memorial Trophy was awarded to Penny Oates with Mountcommon Diana who was beaten by a Wood Cock on her last round.
Lastly a big Thank You to the competitors who remained cheerful and made it an enjoyable day.
